Just a random thoughts of my life ...

I'm just a person - a teacher who wants to enkindle kids hearts to Art . Who is my favorite artist ? -I would say God look around ! Our world is beautiful ! Here you can read my thoughts just a patches of ideas . maybe by the end you can create a big quilt and see the broad pictures of what i consider important in life .

Thursday, July 06, 2006

share your pictures for the big project

Those are the children of Nepal -one of the poorest country in World . My idea is to collect as many as posibble pictures OF the world children then have a small galery opening when all the money will be used for the kids shoe and tootpaste purchase >Please feel free to contact me if you have any more ideas " We can do no great things -only small things with great love."
--Mother Teresa


At 5:30 PM, Blogger Kristin said...

d- you have such a missionary heart

At 6:06 PM, Blogger Dominika said...

Thanks but i think that each one of us can do something for others .It is our responsibilty as human being to help the weak ones the poor one

At 7:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sometimes the hardest place to be a missionary is in your own house/family!

At 7:48 PM, Blogger Dominika said...

Dear Anna your right even Mather Theresa said that we should start in our own family by sending a smile to each other an love each other . Still we have so much ... so much gifts if each one of us would donate at least dollar can you imagine how manny poor kids can have shoes ? (I mean shoes !!!! One pair ) so they don't have to walk bare foot. ) Me and my friends alredy did several actions like that we colllected over $700here in US that was used to buy home for one of the poor family cows and meals for two 3 months for over 1000 kids


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