Monday, October 16, 2006
Sunday, October 15, 2006
THe meaning of friendship .......
- Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same.-- Anonymous Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow.Don't walk behind me, I may not lead.Just walk beside me and be my friend.-- Albert Camus Sometimes you meet someone and there is a special connection from the onset. It is a often a recognition on the soul level. Your frequencies match, you feel a link or special bond, and you want to spend more time together. What is the meaning of true friendship ?Do you often wonder why some people that you meet stays with you for long time ? and some friendships just naturaly pass away ? I remember long time ago I met a wonderful friend .We just had such a connection .Chat for hours ,laugh and could share anything .Then one day she said she will be joining convent .First i was kind of upset .I showed my happy face ,since she had find her destination her vocation ,but deep down my heart cry out loud .Why God ? -Later on I asked .Why you taking away my best friend ? Well Yes something changed in our friendship .But did i lost a friend ? No I didn't .She will always be in my heart no matter what .Our friendship reached different level .No we don't see each other often .She is a nun ,but I know, that what we had together will always be treasure . Now we pray for each other .When we see each other often we laugh again and talk for hours .I know that She will always be my friend no matter what . Have you ever had a conection with your friend that when you have a bad day she knows ? without seeing you or speaking to you ? I do . It's great knowing that she is always there .We understand each other without words . So what is a friendship ? friends often have a chemistry about them, a special unspoken dynamic,.
relationships are never limitted by race or age, . They have a purpose, that will be played out.
Somel friends enter your life, share for a time, then generally leave but some stay forever . They undestand you deepest fear .No matter how stupid or weird might sound or be .They know you deepest secrets . They support you when needed . They often put they own needs second just to help you . Some friends help you in the path of healing and self-awareness. Some are free spirits and searchers such as yourself, some are so different than you ,that sometimes people wonder how so different souls can be friends.(well that is the beauty of friendships )Friends do make you feel complete.
No matter what you can always count on them .
Monday, October 02, 2006
Art teacher fire because the kid seen nude art in museum ?
I just read that teacher was fire from her job because the kids seen nude art during the trip to museum . Well here what I think : I am an Art teacher and yes it is difficult to teach this subject since most of the famous art of ancient Rome Greek very mostly nude . Now I understand that child is a child and some stuff should not be seen by such a young age . I also think that kids in today's world seen much more than half nude Greek statue . It is different to see nude as an Art and seen nude as a pornographic items . Now some updates well it was 5th grade and they have seen clasic art . People it is just an art ! not even contemporary that sometimes could be little dramatic but clasic ?! I don't see anything wrong with that . I'm sure that those 5th graders seen more on TV . Even Jesus used to be painted naked (then durring the ranaisance the artists were order to paint a cloth and cover some parts of the saints and Jesus . Also that someone told me , it saw a bare breast Mother Mary feeding Baby Jesus .Is that mean that the church should not allowed kids to look at that ?
It is difficult case am an Art teacher, I would be careful what am I showing to children but if such an accident happen that kids will see nude in Art I wouldn't act silly and try to cover up, instead I would explain why ancient Greeks and Romans usually sculp their statue nude .(idealistic body shapes for Gods ) I definitely disagree with the school board to fire this teacher . So I would like to post a question to all the people who will read this post . Is it better for child to see blood, violence on TV or piece of art that it happens to be nude ?