Just a random thoughts of my life ...

I'm just a person - a teacher who wants to enkindle kids hearts to Art . Who is my favorite artist ? -I would say God look around ! Our world is beautiful ! Here you can read my thoughts just a patches of ideas . maybe by the end you can create a big quilt and see the broad pictures of what i consider important in life .

Monday, January 01, 2007

New year wishes

To all the people out there no matter what is your religion I have wish for you .... NEVER GIVE UP No matter what is going on Never give up Develop the heart Too much energy in your country is spent developing the mind instead of the heart Develop the heart Be compasionate Not just to your friends but to everyone BE compasionate Work for peace in your heart and in the world Work for Peace And I said again Never GIve up No matter what is happening No matter what is going on around you Never Give Up (his Holiness the XIV DALAI LAMA


At 5:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

no offense, but he isn't really saying anything that original or profound. Richard Simmons says the same thing (never give up) on my sweating to the oldies tape. And it was Jesus who first commanded us to love our enemies not just our friends. "What good is it if you only love people who love you, don't tax collectors do the same?" I think if you really seek union with Christ you won't have to cultivate compassion you will become compassionate because you will be more like Him. Besides "compassion" can mean different things to different people.

At 2:50 PM, Blogger Dominika said...

Dear Kris
it's not mine intention to post anything that is original .I just wrote what I like .No just becouse it was written by Dalai lama it dosn't mater I like it and I wrote it . I'm sure Christ have said some similar words also and this is wonderful ! I think no matter what is your religion no matter who you are those words are for everyone ! As you notice I often write about buddism .Is that mean I will follow Buddism ? no I am catholic and always will be I believe in the power of prayers and the Jesus love as well as my dear and sweet blessed Mary .

At 1:42 PM, Blogger Kristin said...

if you shave your head and wear long robes I will start to wonder! :P

At 2:28 PM, Blogger Dominika said...

Then ..if this happen I will let you know ahead of time hhehehehee :) no worries ! unless Chist will tell me to do that then i promise I will not shave my head (hehehehe)


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