Just a random thoughts of my life ...

I'm just a person - a teacher who wants to enkindle kids hearts to Art . Who is my favorite artist ? -I would say God look around ! Our world is beautiful ! Here you can read my thoughts just a patches of ideas . maybe by the end you can create a big quilt and see the broad pictures of what i consider important in life .

Monday, October 02, 2006

Art teacher fire because the kid seen nude art in museum ?

I just read that teacher was fire from her job because the kids seen nude art during the trip to museum . Well here what I think : I am an Art teacher and yes it is difficult to teach this subject since most of the famous art of ancient Rome Greek very mostly nude . Now I understand that child is a child and some stuff should not be seen by such a young age . I also think that kids in today's world seen much more than half nude Greek statue . It is different to see nude as an Art and seen nude as a pornographic items . Now some updates well it was 5th grade and they have seen clasic art . People it is just an art ! not even contemporary that sometimes could be little dramatic but clasic ?! I don't see anything wrong with that . I'm sure that those 5th graders seen more on TV . Even Jesus used to be painted naked (then durring the ranaisance the artists were order to paint a cloth and cover some parts of the saints and Jesus . Also that someone told me , it saw a bare breast Mother Mary feeding Baby Jesus .Is that mean that the church should not allowed kids to look at that ?
It is difficult case am an Art teacher, I would be careful what am I showing to children but if such an accident happen that kids will see nude in Art I wouldn't act silly and try to cover up, instead I would explain why ancient Greeks and Romans usually sculp their statue nude .(idealistic body shapes for Gods ) I definitely disagree with the school board to fire this teacher . So I would like to post a question to all the people who will read this post . Is it better for child to see blood, violence on TV or piece of art that it happens to be nude ?


At 4:53 AM, Blogger Kristin said...

It's a difficult question, but I agree the teacher should not have been fired, admonished yes, but not fired. There is nothing wrong about tasteful nude art, but I feel the kids were too young to appreciate it, a certain amount of maturity is necessary to grasp the beauty in such things. Think, these are the kids who get in a tizzy over Captain Underpants and farting jokes. Families have different ideas when it comes to sexuality/nudity so I think schools need to be extra careful. A trip like that would have been more appropriate for high school students, I feel.


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